D1 51r1213
HJ 1/04-APP
By: The Speaker (By Request - Judicial Compensation Commission)
Introduced and read first time: January 18, 2005
Assigned to: Appropriations
1 A House Joint Resolution concerning
2 Judicial Compensation Commission Report
3 FOR the purpose of proposing an alteration to the compensation of the members of
4 the Judiciary in this State, pursuant to Section 1-708 of the Courts and Judicial
5 Proceedings Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
6 WHEREAS, Section 1-708(b)(2) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article
7 of the Annotated Code of Maryland establishes a seven-member Judicial
8 Compensation Commission appointed by the Governor with two members appointed
9 on nomination of the President of the Senate, two members appointed on nomination
10 of the Speaker of the House of Delegates, one member appointed on nomination of the
11 Maryland State Bar Association, and two members appointed at large. The Judicial
12 Compensation Commission is constituted as follows: appointments made on the
13 nomination of the President of the Senate: John Paterakis and Elizabeth Buck;
14 appointments made on the nomination of the Speaker of the House of Delegates:
15 Laurence Levitan and Charles R. Jenkins, Sr.; appointment made on the nomination
16 of the Maryland State Bar Association: J. Michael Conroy, Jr.; appointments at large:
17 Annette J. Funn and Alice G. Pinderhughes. The Commission members elected
18 Laurence Levitan Chairman; and
19 WHEREAS, Section 1-708(d) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article of
20 the Annotated Code of Maryland provides as follows: the General Assembly may
21 amend this Joint Resolution to decrease any of the Commission's salary
22 recommendations, but no reduction may diminish the salary of a judge during the
23 judge's continuance in office. The General Assembly may not amend this Joint
24 Resolution to increase these recommended salaries. Should the General Assembly not
25 adopt or amend this Joint Resolution within 50 days of its introduction, the salaries
26 recommended herein shall apply during fiscal years 2006 through 2009. Should the
27 General Assembly reject any or all of the salaries herein recommended, the salaries of
28 the judges so affected shall remain unchanged during fiscal years 2006 through 2009
29 unless modified under other provisions of the law; and
30 WHEREAS, The Judicial Compensation Commission held two meetings in
31 October and December 2003. The Commission considered many aspects and facets of
32 judicial compensation. The Commission did not meet in 2004, but each member
33 signed a statement in December 2004 ratifying the recommendations made in the
34 Commission's January 2004 report. The Commission by a vote of five or more of its
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