Bill No. 2004-4
AN ACT to amend Chapter 169 of the Wicomico County Code, entitled "Mobile
Homes", Section 169-6, entitled "Issuance of license; fee." to increase the park license
fee to $500.
Bill No. 2004-5
AN ACT to amend the Code of Wicomico County, Maryland by deleting and
repealing Chapter 225, titled "Zoning," thereof, and replacing it with a new Chapter
225, to be entitled "Zoning," which chapter provides for the regulation and restriction
of: the use of land and buildings and other structures; the height, bulk and location of
buildings and other structures; the area of yards, courts and setbacks and other open
spaces; the density of population and intensity of use of buildings and land; the use
and conservation of waterfront areas, and the use of structures and land for
residential, commercial, industrial, institutional or other purposes.
Bill No. 2004-6
AN ACT to add Chapter 7, titled "Board of Appeals" to the Wicomico County
Code, creating a county Board of Appeals, and establishing its powers and
jurisdiction, the number, qualifications, and terms of the members, and permitting
the adoption of rules of practice governing its proceedings.
Bill No. 2004-7
AN ACT to amend Chapter 174 of the Wicomico County Code, entitled
"Nuisances", Section 174-1, entitled "Nuisances enumerated." to amend the
designation of the officials responsible for various nuisances.
Bill No. 2004-8
AN ACT to amend Chapter 160 of the Wicomico County Code, entitled "Housing
Standards," Section 160-6, entitled "Definitions" to amend the definition of Housing
Official to be the designated representative of the Director of the Department of
Planning, Zoning and Community Development.
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