- revising exceptions to the platting requirements for agricultural land and
agricultural uses.
By amending the following section of the Montgomery County Code, Chapter 50, of
the Subdivision Regulations:
Section 50-1 "Definitions"
Section 50-9 "Exceptions to platting requirements"
Ordinance No. 15-23
Zoning Text Amendment No. 04-03
AN AMENDMENT to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of:
- authorizing the Office of the Hearing Examiner to hear all special exception
cases without a request from the Board of Appeals;
- requiring the Office of the Hearing Examiner to schedule and hold a public
hearing on any matter it is authorized to hear;
- authorizing the Board of Appeals to add to, modify, or delete any condition to
a special exception that are recommended by the Hearing Examiner; and
- generally amending the provisions regarding hearings for special exceptions.
By amending the following section of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance,
Chapter 59 of the Montgomery County Code:
Section 59-A-4.1 "Authority and powers"
Section 59-A-4.125 "Hearing examiner"
Section 59-A-4.41 "Requirement and scheduling"
Section 59-A-4.6 "Public hearings by [h] Hearing [e] Examiner"
Section 59-A-4.61 "Generally"
Ordinance No. 15-24
Zoning Text Amendment No. 04-01
AN AMENDMENT to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of:
— permitting additional height in the CBD-2 zone under the optional method
of development for residential and commercial mixed use projects in
revitalization areas as designated in the relevant sector plan and located
within 800 feet of the entrance of a metro station.
By amending the following section of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance,
Chapter 59 of the Montgomery County Code:
Section 59-C-6.23 "Development standards"
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