(1) allow the County to sponsor additional deferred compensation plans under
collective bargaining agreements with employee representatives;
(2) revise the membership of the Board of Investment Trustees by adding
certain public members and representatives of certain employee organizations; and
(3) generally amend the law concerning deferred compensation plans and the
composition of the Board of Investment Trustees.
By adding
Montgomery County Code
Chapter 33, Personnel and Human Resources
Article IX. Deferred Compensation
Section 33-146B, Collectively Bargained Plans.
By amending
Chapter 33, Personnel and Human Resources
Section 33-59, Board of Investment Trustees.
Section 33-141, Definitions.
Bill No. 26-04
Chapter 31
Laws of Montgomery County, 2004
AN ACT to:
(1) expressly allow certain vendors to use pushcarts or other slow-moving
vehicles in certain Central Business Districts under certain conditions:
(2) limit the reasons for which the Department of Permitting Services can
summarily suspend or revoke a vendors' license, and clarify the Department's
authority to refuse to issue or renew a license: and
(3) generally clarify and amend the laws and procedures governing vendors.
By amending
Montgomery County Code
Chapter 47, Vendors
Sections 47-1, 47-2, and 47-6
Ordinance No. 15-18
Zoning Text Amendment No. 03-25
AN AMENDMENT to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of:
- eliminating authority of the District Council to decide a cemetery and family
burial site special exception.
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