Bill No. 90-04
AN ACT concerning
Planned Unit Developments
FOR the purpose of permitting commercial uses in residential planned unit
developments under certain circumstances; permitting residential uses in
commercial planned unit developments under certain circumstances: expanding
the zones eligible for development by the commercial planned unit development
process; clarifying the uses permitted in a commercial planned unit
development; clarifying the permissible density of a residential planned unit
development; and generally relating to planned unit developments.
BY adding
Section 430.10 and 440.9
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended by Bill 19-04
BY repealing and re-enacting, with amendments
Section 430.8. 440.2C and 440.4A
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended by Bill 19-04
BY repealing and re-enacting, with amendments
Section 32-4-245(c)(4)
Article 32 - Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control
Title 4 - Development
Subtitle 2 - Development Review and Approval Process
Baltimore County Code, 2003, as amended by Bill 19-04
Bill No. 97-04
AN ACT concerning
Competitive Negotiation
FOR the purpose of expanding clarifying the scope of the County purchasing agent's
authority to utilize competitive negotiation as a procurement method; defining
terms; defining the scope of the competitive negotiation process and the
circumstances under which it may be utilized; authorizing the establishment of
rules and regulations; and generally relating to the use of competitive
negotiation as a method of procuring certain County contracts.
BY repealing
Section 10-2-502(b)
Article 10—Finance
Title 2. Purchasing
Improvement Services Contracts
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