and generally relating to permitted development in the Bowleys Quarters and
Back River Neck Areas of the County.
BY repealing and re-enacting, with amendments,
Section 4A03.2
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended
BY repealing
Section 3
Bill No. 64-1999
Laws of Baltimore County 1999
BY adding
Section 4A03.14
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended
Bill No. 19-04
AN ACT concerning
Planned Unit Developments
FOR the purpose of amending the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations in order to
revise the procedures governing the submission, review and approval of planned
unit developments; amending the regulations concerning certain types of
housing for the elderly; amending certain definitions in the Zoning Regulations
and in the Taxation Article; adding definitions in the Zoning Regulations;
establishing a new class of residential planned unit development for senior
housing (PUD-E); permitting certain uses by right; permitting certain uses by
special exception; establishing guidelines and standards for a PUD-E;
establishing guidelines and standards for assisted living facilities; correcting
certain references; eliminating the requirements for the submission of an
annual map for the PUD-C process; amending certain tax credit provisions
relating to senior housing developments; eliminating the distinction between
classes of residential planned unit developments; and generally relating to the
regulation of certain types of housing for the elderly and the manner of the
submission, review and approval of all planned unit developments.
BY repealing
Section 101, Definitions, the definitions of "Assisted Living Facility", and
"Elderly Housing Facility"
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended
BY adding
Section 101, Definitions, the definitions of "Assisted Living Facility" and
"Elderly Housing Facility"
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended
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