Community Benefit District; establishing the purposes of the District and the
manner of assessment for the District; and designating a civic or community
association to administer the expenditures of the District.
BY adding:
Article 6, §§ 2-104(u-4) and 2-106(d)(21)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY renumbering:
Article 6, § 2-106(d)(21) through (33) to be § 2-106(d)(22) through (34),
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 30-04
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Homeowners Property Tax Credit Program - County Supplement
FOR the purpose of altering the limitation on the assessed value of a dwelling taken
into account in determining total real property tax for the local supplement
under the State Homeowners Property Tax Credit Program; and making
stylistic changes.
BY repealing and reenacting:
Article 6, § 1-108
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 32-04
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Police Service and Detention Officers' and Deputy Sheriffs' Retirement
FOR the purpose of implementing negotiated changes in certain retirement plans;
removing the limit on the number of Police Sergeants and modifying the limit on
the number of Police Officers that may participate in the Deferred Retirement
Option Program; eliminating the "remarriage penalty" for certain beneficiaries
under the Police Service Retirement Plan; separating participants in the
Detention Officers' and Deputy Sheriffs' Retirement Plan into two categories
and defining the two categories; providing for the pre-tax "pick up" of
contributions to the Detention Officers' and Deputy Sheriffs' Retirement Plan;
establishing the requirements for vesting and attainment of normal and early
retirement dates for Category I and Category II participants in the Detention
Officers' and Deputy Sheriffs' Retirement Plan; clarifying a certain requirement
for eligibility for a disability pension; providing for the retroactive applicability
of this Ordinance: and generally pertaining to the Police Service, and Detention
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