For the purpose of amending Title 6 - Emergency Services, of the Public Safety
Article, to add a new Subtitle regarding Public Safety Emergency Radio Coverage to
ensure and require adequate public safety radio coverage in all buildings located
within Worcester County.
[Subtitle II (Public Safety Emergency Radio Coverage) of Title 6 (Emergency Services)
of the Public Safety Article of the Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester County,
Maryland - Added]
Bill No. 04-13
AN ACT Concerning
Natural Resources - Private Piers and Water-Dependent Facilities
For the purpose of amending the Natural Resources Article to provide for an
additional year of study time relative to limitations on the lengths of private piers and
water-dependent facilities over wetlands in the Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area.
[Sections NR 3-124(b)(2) and 3-125(c) of the Natural Resources Article of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland - Amended]
Bill No. 04-14
AN ACT Concerning
Zoning - Warehousing in B-1 District
For the purpose of amending the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article to amend the
B-l Neighborhood Business District to permit warehousing complexes comprised of
individual units sized for personal use.
[Section ZS 1-209(b)(16) of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland - Added]
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