Ordinance No. 04-23
AN ACT CONCERNING the Outdoor Storage of Certain Vehicles Under the
Queen Anne's County Zoning Ordinance, Title 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.) ("the Code");
FOR THE PURPOSE of prohibiting the outdoor storage of more than one (1)
untagged vehicle on any residentially improved or residentially zoned lot under Title
18 of the Code;
BY AMENDING Section 18:1-58(8) of the Code.
Ordinance No. 04-24
AN ACT CONCERNING On-Site Landscaping Standards in the Suburban
Industrial Business Employment (SIBE), the Airport Development (AD), the
Stevensville Historic Village Center (SHVC), the Grasonville Neighborhood
Commercial (GNC) and the Grasonville Village Commercial (GVC) Districts under
the Queen Anne's County Zoning Ordinance, Title 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.) ("the Code");
FOR THE PURPOSE of providing on-site landscaping standards in certain
zoning districts not currently subject to such standards;
BY AMENDING the Table of Standards For On-Site Landscaping in Section
18:l-71(a) of Title 18 of the Code.
Ordinance No. 04-25
AN ACT CONCERNING Required Buffer Yards, Street Buffers and Buffer Yard
Standards in and Adjoining Certain Zoning Districts under the Queen Anne's County
Zoning Ordinance, Title 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne's County
(1996 Ed.) ("the Code").
FOR THE PURPOSE of providing buffer yard requirements and standards
including street buffers in and adjacent to the Grasonville Village Center (GVC),
Grasonville Neighborhood Commercial (GNC), Stevensville Historic Village Center
(SHVC) and Suburban Industrial Business Employment.(SIBE) Districts in Queen
Anne's County under Title 18 of the Code.
BY AMENDING the tables contained in Section 18:l-76(a) of Title 18 of the
Ordinance No. 04-26
AN ACT CONCERNING Sign Standards in the TC, GVC, SHVC, GNC and
SIBE Districts under the Queen Anne's County Zoning Ordinance, Title 18 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.) ("the Code");
FOR THE PURPOSE of providing sign performance standards for permanent
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