of Sudlersville, Maryland; amending the Charter of the Town of Sudlersville for the
purposes of including the annexed property within the legal descriptions and plats
depicting the corporate limits of the Town; and all matters related to said annexation.
[Section 24-2 of the Charter of the Town of Sudlersville, Queen Anne's County,
as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 2004 Supplement), repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date May 21, 2004]
(Carroll County)
Charter Amendment Resolution No. 2004-01
A RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of The Town of Sykesville, Maryland
(the "Town") to amend the Charter of The Town by providing for the renumbering of
the Charter using a system resembling the system used in the rest of the Code of the
[Charter of the Town of Sykesville, Carroll County, as found in the Public Local
Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters (1990 Replacement Edition
and 2004 Supplement), renumbered and revised for stylistic changes.
Effective Date September 28, 2004]
Charter Amendment Resolution No. 2004-02
A RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of The Town of Sykesville (the
"Town") to amend the Charter of The Town by providing for the deletion of certain
sections and the readoption of others as ordinances of the Mayor and Council.
[Sections 18-76, 18-77, 18-78, 18-79, 18-80, 18-81, 18-82, 18-83, 18-84,
18-85, 18-86 and 18-87 of the Charter of the Town of Sykesville, Carroll County, as
found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 2004 Supplement), repealed.
Effective Date September 28, 2004]
Charter Amendment Resolution No. 2004-03
A RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of The Town of Sykesville (the
"Town") to amend the Charter of The Town by providing for the revision of a statutory
reference in § C-6.
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