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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4569   View pdf image
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Chapter Page
Sale of homemade fruit jellies, jams, preserves, butters, and pies
that are produced and sold by a religious organization,
provisions added ............................................................................. Solicitation by a person standing in a roadway, median divider, or
intersection from an occupant of a vehicle, prohibited ............... State Bonds —
Bowling Brook Preparatory School Vocational and Educational Training Center .......................................................................... Danele Shipley Memorial Arena ................................................... Springfield Hospital Center, water distribution and wastewater
systems improvements ............................................................... Tobacco product display or storage for retail sale in Carroll and
Garrett counties, restrictions, citations, and penalties,
provisions added ............................................................................. Cars SEE Motor Vehicles
Casinos SEE Gaming
CATV SEE Cable Television
Cecil County — Aging Department, allocation of federal grants to local agencies
under titles IIIB, IIIC1, IIIC2, and IIIE of the Older Americans
Act and appropriation to supplement federal grants in fiscal 2007, provisions added................................................................... Alcoholic Beverages —
Administrative proceedings by Board of License Commissioners
against licensee who has been granted probation before
judgment for selling or furnishing alcoholic beverages to a person under 21, authorized ...................................................... Class A light wine license for wineries, provisions added .......... Auctioneer's fee allowed as expense relating to property tax sales, provisions altered ........................................................................... Dog and kennel licenses, provisions altered .................................... Horse races held at the Fair Hill Natural Resources Management
Area, percentage deducted from handle by licensee, increased;
portion of deduction required to be credited to the Fair Hill
improvement Fund, increased ....................................................... Natural Resources Department long term lease with private entity
for development in a Cecil County State park, modification of
lease, report required ..................................................................... Public facilities bonds, authorized.................................................... Sheriff, salary increased....................................................................
154 999
93 819
445 2474
445 2488
445 2460
511 3013
444 2431
218 1203
243 1284
383 1784
244 1286
153 997
443 2157
445 2466
388 1801
219 1205
- 4569 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4569   View pdf image
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