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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4564   View pdf image
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Chapter Page
High performance building capital project, justification in
preliminary planning appropriation request program
submission, and review by Department of Budget and
Management, requirements added ............................................... Indirect costs, annual report required ............................................. Interagency agreements, report required ........................................ Maryland Rx Program, establishment to achieve savings on the
cost of prescription drugs for the State Employee and Retiree
Health and Welfare Benefits Program, a local government, or
certain other entities, provisions added ....................................... Organic farming, report required ..................................................... Organizational chart of each administrative agency that depicts
the allocation of personnel across operational and
administrative activities, Budget and Management Department
required to provide to Legislative Services Department............. Reorganization of certain duties and functions of Department and
Department of General Services to other agencies, report
required ........................................................................................... Student Loan Repayment Pilot Program for employees of the
Department of Budget and Management, Department of
Legislative Services, and Department of Juvenile Services,
provisions added ............................................................................. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund, request and award of grants
or loans to volunteer ambulance, fire, or rescue companies, and
required and authorized audits, reviews, and reports, provisions altered ............................................................................................. Budgets — SEE ALSO Capital Budgets Amendments to increase special, federal, or higher education fund
appropriations, or to make reimbursable fund transfers from the
Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention or the
Emergency Management Agency, restrictions added .................. Budget Analysis, Office of, appropriation to.................................... Budget for fiscal year 2006 ............................................................... Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act, to alter funding
provisions, effect fund transfers, withdraw prior year
appropriations, increase revenues, and make other provisions to
ensure a balanced budget .............................................................. Capital funds in operating budget required to be budgeted in
separate appropriation level programs......................................... County public school comprehensive master plans, annual update
and summary of budget and master plan alignment, deadlines
altered; State annual report on each county budget and master
plan alignment, deadline altered ..................................................
459 2564
443 2327
443 2125
428 1980
443 2167
443 2328
443 2129
535 3116
136 948
443 2325
443 2125
443 2077
444 2368
443 2325
226 1219
- 4564 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4564   View pdf image
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