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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4562   View pdf image
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Chapter Page
Boilers and Pressure Vessels — Stationary Engineers, State Board of, created; licensing and
regulation of stationary engineers, provisions added; Baltimore City Board of Examining Engineers, provisions repealed .......... Bombs SEE Explosives
Bonds — SEE ALSO County and Baltimore City Bonds; State Bonds Bituminous Coal Open-Pit Mining Reclamation Fund bond
supplement reserve, minimum and maximum amounts in the
reserve at the end of any month that trigger a temporary
suspension or a resumption of payments and assessments for,
altered ............................................................................................. Boonsboro, authority to undertake urban renewal projects for
slum clearance and redevelopment, provisions added ................ Community Development Administration, authorization to enter
into interest rate exchange agreements or contracts providing
for payments based on changes in interest rates, provisions
added ............................................................................................... Debt management services, licensing and regulation provisions
altered; study and report required ............................................... Howard County - Revenue Authority, county authorized to establish as a public
corporation, with authority to issue revenue bonds, notes, and
other evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of financing or
operating cultural, recreational, and parking facilities ........... Intercounty Connector financing plan established; cap on
outstanding debt of toll-backed revenue bonds and federal grant
anticipation revenue bonds and conditions on issuing bonds,
altered; notice of proposed revenue-producing transportation
facility projects, requirements added ............................................ Local redevelopment authorities, creation to develop military
installations slated for closure or realignment, provisions added;
Maryland Military Installation Strategic Planning Council,
termination date extended and report required .......................... Martin State Airport, issuance of bonds through the Maryland
Economic Development Corporation to construct new hangar,
prohibited ........................................................................................ Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority,
increase in assistance levels and types of assistance offered
through various programs; extension, renewal and modification
of management contracts; and recovery of investments and
grant payments, provisions altered .............................................. St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission, treasurer and
deputy treasurers, surety bond language provisions altered .....
613 3453
186 1131
73 768
134 940
574 3265
95 821
471 2760
472 2773
275 1357
443 2136
228 1223
45 687
- 4562 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4562   View pdf image
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