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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4553   View pdf image
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Chapter Page
Child Abuse and Neglect Centers of Excellence Initiative,
established; expert panel on child abuse and neglect,
examination and treatment of child, and workgroup on
videoconferencing as a resource in investigations, provisions
added ............................................................................................... Debt management services, licensing and regulation provisions
altered; study and report required ............................................... Foreclosure consultants, contracts, purchasers, reconveyance, and
surplus purchasers, regulation of, provisions added; list of
nonprofit organizations that offer counseling to homeowners in
foreclosure or loan default, requirements added ......................... People's Insurance Counsel —
Appropriation for ............................................................................ Assessment for expenses, and representation of interests of
homeowners insurance and medical professional liability
insurance consumers, provisions altered .................................. Unfair or deceptive trade practices, stipulations or conditions that
the Consumer Protection Division may include in a written
assurance of discontinuance, settlement agreement, or cease
and desist order, provisions expanded .......................................... Victim, witness or juror intimidation, court order authorizing
interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications to
provide evidence of, provisions added........................................... Attorneys — Baltimore County — Orphans' court judge who is also an attorney, power to do any
act that the court is authorized to perform, and authority to
practice as an attorney, provisions added ................................. General Assembly member or desk officer who is an attorney of
record in certain court proceedings, continuation of proceedings
and extension of document filing deadlines until after legislative
session, provisions altered and added .......................................... Motor vehicle insurance, hearing on proposed action by insurer,
disclosure in notice of hearing that insurer must pay reasonable
attorney fees incurred at the hearing by the insured under
certain circumstances, and circumstances under which insurer
payment of insured's attorney fees must be ordered, provisions
added ............................................................................................... Prince George's County —
Health and retirement benefits for attorney for Board of License
Commissioners, provisions added..............................................
334 1657
574 3265
509 2985
443 2341
1 1
216 1198
329 1633
615 3478
467 2748
606 3437
117 890
260 1323
- 4553 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4553   View pdf image
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