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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4487   View pdf image
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H.B. 1506
STEM UNDER § 26-202 OF THE STATE PERSONNEL AND PENSIONS ARTICLE. (B) The Administration may establish and maintain a system of pensions and
retirement benefits for any of its employees. [(b)] (C) The Administration may: (1)     Fix the terms of and restrictions on admission to the system and the
classifications in it; (2)     Provide that individuals eligible for admission to the system are not
eligible for admission to or eligible to receive any benefits from any other pension
system, except Social Security benefits, if the other system is financed or funded,
whether wholly or partially or directly or indirectly, by funds paid or appropriated by
the Administration; and (3)     Provide a system of benefits payable to the beneficiaries and
dependents of any participant in the system after the death of the participant,
whether accidental or not and whether occurring in the performance of duty or not,
subject to any exceptions, conditions, restrictions, and classifications that the
Administration provides. [(c)] (D) Unless the Administration determines otherwise, no employee of the
Administration and no beneficiary or dependent of any employee of the
Administration is eligible to receive any pension, retirement, or other benefit both
under the Administration's system and under any other pension or retirement system
established by an acquired transportation system or provided for under any collective
bargaining agreement between the Administration and the authorized
representatives of its employees. [(d)](E) The pension system shall be financed or funded as the
Administration determines economically feasible. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That: (a)     The transfer of the members of the Maryland Transit Administration
Police Force into the Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System is the result of and
as provided in a collectively bargained agreement as required pursuant to § 7-602 of
the Transportation Article. (b)     The Maryland Transit Administration shall administer the preparations
for transferring employees into the Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System in a
manner to minimize the administrative burdens on the Board of Trustees of the State
Retirement and Pension System. SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 2005.
May 26, 2005 The Honorable Michael E. Busch - 4487 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 4487   View pdf image
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