ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor H.B. 462
(2) "Body mass index" means a practical marker that is used to assess
the degree of obesity and is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the
height in meters squared.
(3) "Morbid obesity" means a body mass index that is:
(i) greater than 40 kilograms per meter squared; or
(ii) equal to or greater than 35 kilograms per meter squared with a
comorbid medical condition, including hypertension, a cardiopulmonary condition,
sleep apnea, or diabetes.
(b) This section applies to:
(1) insurers and nonprofit health service plans that provide hospital,
medical, or surgical benefits to individuals or groups on an expense-incurred basis
under health insurance policies or contracts that are issued or delivered in the State;
(2) health maintenance organizations that provide hospital, medical, or
surgical benefits to individuals or groups under contracts that are issued or delivered
in the State; and
(3) managed care organizations, as defined in § 15-101 of the Health -
General Article.
(c) An entity subject to this section shall provide coverage for the surgical
treatment of morbid obesity that is:
(1) recognized by the National Institutes of Health as effective for the
long-term reversal of morbid obesity; and
(2) consistent with guidelines approved by the National Institutes of
(d) An entity subject to this section shall provide the benefits required under
this section to the same extent as for other medically necessary surgical procedures
under the enrollee's or insured's contract or policy with the entity.
Chapter 486 of the Acts of 2004
(a) There is a Task Force to Study Utilization Review of the Surgical
Treatment of Morbid Obesity.
(b) The Task Force consists of the following members:
(1) two representatives of the Maryland Hospital Association, appointed
by the Maryland Hospital Association;
(2) four members, appointed by the Maryland Insurance Administration,
as follows:
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