(4) A member who is appointed after a term has begun shall serve for the
rest of the term or until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
(d) The Governor shall appoint a successor in the event of a vacancy on the
(e) From among the members of the Council, the Governor shall designate a
chairman for a 2-year term.
(f) A member of the Council may not receive compensation but is entitled to
reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as
provided in the State budget.
(a) A majority of the members then serving on the Council is a quorum.
(b) The Council shall determine the times and places of its meetings and any
other necessary operating procedures which may include the establishment of
subcommittees, consultant panels, or work groups utilizing the expertise of
noncouncil and nonpanel members.
(a) The purpose of the Council is to coordinate the interagency effort to
develop, sustain, and promote quality school-based health centers in Maryland.
(b) In consultation with appropriate State agencies and other interested
organizations, including representatives from academic institutions, health care
providers, and payors, the Council shall:
(1) Monitor the activities and range of services of the school-based
health centers;
(2) Recommend legislative initiatives;
(3) Develop and update a compendium of technical assistance experts
that will be used as a reference when local requests for assistance come to the State;
(4) Monitor the development of notifications of available funds;
(5) Participate in the review of grants to local jurisdictions for the
development of school-based health care programs;
(6) Develop strategies for funding and reimbursement of care delivered
in school-based health centers;
(7) Develop a consistent outcome measurement tool to be used by all
school-based health centers in the State and assess the progress of all school-based
health centers based on the information collected;
(8) Establish standards of practice within school-based health centers;
(9) Encourage the development of models of excellence in school-based
health centers;
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