ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 585
(3) the official or employee of the Department is authorized or required
by law to make an inspection of the unlicensed child care center for which the warrant
is sought; and
(4) probable cause for the issuance of the warrant has been
demonstrated by the Department by specific evidence:
(i) of an existing violation of § 5-574(a) or § 5-582 of this subtitle;
(ii) that the health, safety, and welfare of the children in the child
care center are substantially threatened due to conditions in the child care center.
(d) The administrative search warrant issued under this section shall specify
the place, structure, premises, or records to be inspected and shall be enforceable
during operating hours for a period not exceeding 15 days from the date of issuance.
(e) (1) An administrative search warrant issued under this section
authorizes the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT and other officials or employees
of the Department to enter the specified property to perform the inspection and other
functions authorized by law to determine compliance with the provisions of this
subtitle relating to child care centers.
(2) The inspection may not exceed the limits specified in the warrant.
Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the [Secretary] STATE
SUPERINTENDENT in a contested case, as defined in the Administrative Procedure
Act, may take any further appeal allowed by the Administrative Procedure Act.
(a) In addition to any other provision of law relating to child abuse and
neglect, a local department of social services that receives a report of suspected child
abuse under § 5-704 or § 5-705 of this title that concerns a child care center, shall
notify the [Secretary's] STATE SUPERINTENDENT'S designee within 48 hours.
(b) On receipt of the notification required under subsection (a) of this section,
the [Secretary's] STATE SUPERINTENDENT'S designee shall convene, either in person
or by telephone, a multidisciplinary team to coordinate procedures in accordance with
the agreement developed under § 5-706(e) of this title to be followed in investigating
and otherwise responding to the report.
(c) The multidisciplinary team shall be chaired by the [Secretary's] STATE
SUPERINTENDENT'S designee and shall include:
(1) representatives of the local department of social services and law
enforcement agency that are investigating the report under § 5-706 of this title;
(2) representation from the office of the local State's Attorney; and
(3) appropriate medical, including mental health, expertise.
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