ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 585
(2) the proposed location of the child care center;
(3) the name of the individual to be in charge of the child care center;
(4) any other information that the Department requires.
(a) Subject to the hearing requirements of this section, the Department may
deny a license or letter of compliance to any applicant or deny approval for a change
under § 5-577 of this subtitle if the applicant or proposed change does not meet the
requirements of this subtitle.
(b) Subject to the hearing requirements of this section and § 5-581 of this
subtitle, the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT may suspend or revoke a license
or letter of compliance if the licensee:
(1) violates a provision of this Part VII of this subtitle or any rule or
regulation adopted under it; or
(2) does not meet the current requirements for a new license or letter of
(c) (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of this section, before
any action is taken under this section, the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT
shall give the individual against whom the action is contemplated an opportunity for
a public hearing before the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT.
(2) The hearing notice to be given to the individual shall be sent at least
10 days before the hearing.
(3) The individual may be represented at the hearing by counsel.
(d) (1) (i) The [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT may suspend' the
license or letter of compliance to operate a child care center on an emergency basis
when the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT determines that this action is
required to protect the health, safety, or welfare of a child in the child care center.
(ii) When the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT suspends a
license or letter of compliance on an emergency basis, the [Secretary] STATE
SUPERINTENDENT shall deliver written notice of the suspension to the licensee
stating the regulatory basis for the suspension.
(2) (i) Upon delivery of the emergency suspension notice, the licensee
or letter holder shall cease operation of the child care center within 72 hours.
(ii) The emergency suspension shall be stayed if the licensee or
letter holder requests in writing, and within 72 hours of delivery of the notice, a
hearing before the [Secretary] STATE SUPERINTENDENT.
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