ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 445
notwithstanding Section 5-302(e) of the Education Article or any
other provision of law, the Interagency Committee on School
Construction shall, in accordance with the provisions below,
allocate 100% of the funds available for public school
construction projects in fiscal year 2006. The Interagency
Committee on School Construction shall include funds available
in the contingency fund established in Section 5-301 of the
Education Article in the allocations. The allocations made by the
Interagency Committee on School Construction for fiscal year
2006 shall not be subject to approval by the Board of Public
Further provided that the following amounts approved for
public school construction projects by the Board of Public Works
on January 19, 2005, and February 16, 2005, shall be allocated
to each county:
Allegany $ 9,900,000
Anne Arundel $ 5,807,000
Baltimore Co. $ 7,065,000
Calvert $ 3,209,000
Caroline $ 4,699,000
Carroll $ 4,726,000
Cecil $ 3,298,000
Charles $ 2,894,000
Dorchester $ 656,000
Frederick $ 5,826,000
Garrett $ 1,400,000
Harford $ 5,301,000
Howard $ 5,454,000
Kent $ 2,000,000
Montgomery $ 8,510,000
Prince George's $ 7,912,000
Queen Anne's $ 4,450,000
St. Mary's $ 2,767,000
Somerset $14,300,000
Talbot $ 2,350,000
Washington $ 5,441,000
Wicomico $ 5,209,000
Worcester $ 1,250,000
Baltimore City $ 7,470,000
Further provided that additional funds shall be provided in the
following amounts to each county, and may only be expended for
public school construction projects designated as A (funded) or B
(ready to go) in the Public School Construction Program's ABC
List and shall be funded in the local priority order designated
Allegany $ 1,100,000
Anne Arundel $13,650,000
Baltimore Co. $17,922,000
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