(a) After cumulative distributions of revenues from the State lottery for fiscal
year 2005 to the General Fund under § 9-120(b)(1)(ii) of the State Government Article
total $442,406,173, up to $3,788,827 of the remaining revenue that would otherwise
be paid to the General Fund under § 9-120(b)(1)(ii) of the State Government Article
shall be distributed to a special fund, to be used only to provide Challenge Grants to
low-performing schools to improve student achievement and teaching skills in
eligible schools through the Maryland State Department of Education Challenge
Grant Program (budget code R00A02.54).
(b) If lottery revenues do not provide the $3,788,827 for the purposes specified
in subsection (a) of this section, the Governor shall request a deficiency appropriation
during the 2006 Session to make up the difference.
(c) The Governor shall include an appropriation of $3,788,827 in the fiscal
year 2007 budget bill for grants under the Challenge Grant Program in the amounts
specified in subsection (d) of this section, in addition to any deficiency appropriation
requested under subsection (b) of this section.
(d) The amount credited to the special fund created under subsection (a) of
this section shall be used to provide Challenge Grants to eligible schools that received
funding in fiscal year 2005 in the following counties and amounts as follows:
(1) Allegany County $130,524
(2) Anne Arundel County $876,213
(3) Baltimore County $83,715
(4) Caroline County $320,906
(5) Charles County $160,174
(6) Dorchester County $145,009
(7) Montgomery County $669,717
(8) Prince George's County $1,233,305
(9) Washington County $160,174
(e) The amount provided in subsection (d)(2) of this section includes $588,097
for the Annapolis feeder schools, the same amount that was provided to the Annapolis
feeder schools in fiscal year 2005.
(f) To the extent that lottery revenues do not provide the full amount specified
in subsection (a) of this section, available funds shall be distributed in proportion to
the allocations provided in subsections (d) and (e) of this section.
(a) The motor fuel tax does not apply to motor fuel that is exported or sold for
exportation from this State.
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