ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 443
to receive medical day care during the
transition and that medical day care
providers are reimbursed for serving the
individual during the appeal process and
transition period. Further provided that
the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene shall report to the budget
committees by December 1, 2005 on the
number of individuals denied continuing
eligibility, the number of denials that
affected persons with a psychiatric
diagnosis or a developmental
disability, and the number of individuals
denied care who later receive services
through a nursing facility, medical day
care provider, inpatient hospital stay,
agency licensed by the Developmental
Disabilities Administration. or
psychiatric rehabilitation program.
It is the intent of the General Assembly that
a deficiency appropriation be provided to
address any budget shortfall in the Mental
Hygiene Administration or the
Developmental Disabilities
Administration resulting from the shift
of patients from medical day care to
psychiatric, rehabilitation programs or
developmental disabilities programs.
Further provided that $880.000 of this
appropriation may not be expended
for any program or purpose except
that the funds may be expended to
provide the annual per diem rate
adjustment set forth in COMAR,
It is the intent of the General Assembly that
the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene (DHMH) continue to work with
managed care entities and other health
providers to establish a plan to: (1)
identify individuals at risk for chronic
kidney disease (CKD) through routine
clinical laboratory assessments of kidney
function; (2) evaluate those individuals;
and (3) determine if early identification
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