Ch. 442
BY adding to
Article - State Government
Section 2-10A-09
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2004 Replacement Volume)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Tax - Property
Section 9-216
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Replacement Volume and 2004 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Transportation
Section 4-208.1, 5-201(b), 5-413, 5-414, 5-509, 5-822, 5-824, 5-1201,
and 10-203, Title II, Article XI, Section 2
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Replacement Volume and 2004 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, without amendments,
Article - Transportation
Section 5-201(a)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Replacement Volume and 2004 Supplement)
WHEREAS, Thurgood Marshall, the grandson of a slave, was born in Baltimore,
Maryland in 1908; and
WHEREAS, After graduation from the Howard University Law School in 1933,
Marshall successfully sued to force the admittance of an African American student to
the University of Maryland School of Law, the same school that had denied
admittance to Marshall in 1930 because he was an African American; and
WHEREAS, Thurgood Marshall worked for the Baltimore branch of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and later
became the Chief Counsel for the NAACP; and
WHEREAS, After amassing an impressive record of Supreme Court challenges to
state-sponsored discrimination, including the landmark Brown v. Board of Education
decision in 1954, President Kennedy appointed Thurgood Marshall to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit where Marshall's skills as a jurist were
evidenced by the fact that none of his majority decisions was ever reversed by the
United States Supreme Court; and
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