ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 441
WHEREAS, The Maryland economy and that of the entire region depend on a
balanced and healthy Bay ecosystem; and
WHEREAS, The continued ecological and economic productivity of the Bay
depends upon sound, science-based management decisions; and
WHEREAS, Various government resource management agencies are now
considering the introduction of a nonnative oyster species, Crassostrea ariakensis,
into the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, and recent indications are that this
introduction may occur in Maryland as soon as the current calendar year; and
WHEREAS, Several independent fishery experts who speak with great
authority in the scientific community, most notably the National Research Council of
the National Academies of Science and the Scientific and Technical Advisory
Committee of the federal Chesapeake Bay Program, have concluded that, at this time,
there is insufficient scientific evidence upon which to base a decision to introduce this
nonnative oyster species or even to expect that such an introduction would yield a
positive net benefit; and
WHEREAS, These experts advise that additional research is absolutely
necessary in order to ascertain a basic working knowledge of this species and its likely
ecological impact on the Bay and the entire East Coast; and
WHEREAS, A most significant factor about which little data exists is the likely
impact of this species on the already vulnerable native oyster population; and
WHEREAS, Among the most elementary characteristics of this species about
which little is now certain are: reproductive capabilities; larval behaviors that would
indicate potential dispersal patterns and susceptibility to predation; the ability to
build reefs or deal with limitations such as lack of habitat, competition for space, poor
water quality, and high sedimentation rates; and susceptibility to disease; and
WHEREAS, It is apparent that introduction of a nonnative oyster would be
premature without the additional research advocated by the National Research
Council and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee; and
WHEREAS, Such an introduction carries major risk of far-reaching and
irreversible ecological and economic harm a risk of irreversible ecological and
economic impacts; and
WHEREAS, Because of the critical nature and potentially grave impact of a
decision to introduce a nonnative oyster into the Bay ecosystem, this decision is best
made in the context of widespread public notice and participation by the citizens of
Maryland; now, therefore,
MARYLAND, That Section(s) 4-1008 of Article - Natural Resources of the Annotated
Code of Maryland be renumbered to be Section(s) 4-1008.1.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Laws of Maryland
read as follows:
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