ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 439
(House Bill 1542)
AN ACT concerning
Maryland Quality Home Care Services Commission Act
FOR the purpose of establishing the Maryland Quality Home Care Services
Commission; providing for the purpose and composition of the Commission;
providing for the terms of members of the Commission; requiring the
Commission to appoint an executive director; requiring the Commission to
consult with certain individual providers before taking certain actions; requiring
the Commission to establish certain qualifications and requirements, provide
certain training opportunities, provide certain referrals, and coordinate with
certain agencies; authorizing the Commission to advise certain agencies on
certain regulations; prohibiting the Commission from providing a certain
referral under certain circumstances; authorizing the Commission to adopt
certain regulations; prohibiting a certain provider from being considered as a
certain employee; prohibiting the Commission from being considered the
employer of a certain provider for certain purposes; providing that consumers
have certain rights concerning the employment of certain providers; prohibiting
the Commission from reducing certain hours of certain services; providing for
the construction of this Act; requiring the Commission, in consultation with
certain entities, to submit a certain report on or before a certain date; requiring
the report to include certain information; specifying the terms of the initial
members of the Commission; requiring the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene to seek certain federal funding to make a certain report to certain
committees of the General Assembly; defining certain terms; and generally
relating to the Maryland Quality Home Care Services Commission.
FOR the purpose of transferring the Office of Personal Assistance Services and the
Attendant Care Program of the Office from the Department of Human
Resources to the Department of Disabilities; repealing a certain Advisory
Committee; repealing a certain reporting requirement; establishing the
Personal Assistance Services Advisory Committee; providing for the purpose and
composition of the Advisory Committee; providing for the terms of the members
of the Advisory Committee; requiring the Advisory Committee to submit certain
reports to the Governor and the General Assembly at a certain time; defining
certain terms; providing that employees of the Office of Personal Assistance
Services of the Department of Human Resources who are transferred under this
Act to the Department of Disabilities be transferred without any diminution of
their rights, benefits, or employment status; providing that nothing in this Act
may be construed to diminish certain powers and duties of the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene; requiring the publishers of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, subject to the approval of the Department of Legislative Services, to
propose certain corrections to the Code resulting from this Act; and generally
relating to the Maryland Quality Home Care Services Act.
- 2023 -