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Session Laws, 2005
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Ch. 437                                    2005 LAWS OF MARYLAND Disease in Maryland; providing for the membership, chair, and staff for the Task
Force; providing that a member of the Task Force may receive certain
reimbursement as provided in the State budget; providing for the duties of the
Task Force; requiring the Task Force to submit certain reports to the Governor
and the General Assembly on or before certain dates; providing for the
termination of this Act; and generally relating to the Task Force to Study the
Impact of Autoimmune Disease in Maryland. SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF
MARYLAND, That: (a)     There is a Task Force to Study the Impact of Autoimmune Disease in
Maryland. (b)     The Task Force consists of the following members: (1)     one member of the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the President of
the Senate; (2)     one member of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker of
the House; (3)     a representative of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
appointed by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; (4)     a representative of the Maryland Insurance Administration, selected
by the Administration; (5)     a representative of the Department of Disabilities, appointed by the
Secretary of Disabilities; (6)     a representative of the Vital Statistics Administration, appointed by
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; and (7)     the following members appointed by the Governor: (i) one health care provider with special expertise in autoimmune
disease; (ii) one representative of a health care clinic that serves people with
autoimmune disease; (iii) one representative from a State hospital that serves people with
autoimmune disease; (iv) one representative from a State university conducting research
on autoimmune disease; (v) one representative who is a consumer of autoimmune disease
services and has expertise in autoimmune disease affecting minorities; (vi) one representative who is a consumer of autoimmune disease
services and has expertise in autoimmune disease affecting women of childbearing
age; - 2018 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2018   View pdf image
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