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Session Laws, 2005
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Ch. 434
in-State student at the 4-year public institution of higher education within the
University System of Maryland, other than the University of Maryland University
College and University of Maryland, Baltimore, with the highest annual expenses for
a full-time resident undergraduate. (f)      (1) A nondegreed recipient may renew an award for 1 year if the
recipient: (i) Remains an undergraduate student in an area of critical or
geographic shortage; and (ii) Maintains a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
and advances in academic standing at least 1 year for each year for which an award
is renewed. (2) A degreed recipient and a teacher recipient may renew an award for
1 year if that recipient maintains a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. (g)     (1) The State Superintendent of Schools shall project annually the
number of vacancies for employment expected in each of the subsequent 5 years in
areas of critical or geographic shortage and the number of students expected to
graduate from programs qualifying them to teach in these fields during the same
period. The State Superintendent of Schools shall certify annually to the Office those
programs that continue to be areas of critical or geographic shortage as evidenced by"
projected employment vacancies substantially exceeding projected qualified
graduates. (2)     In any year in which an area is determined by the State
Superintendent of Schools to no longer be an area of critical or geographic shortage,
the Office shall discontinue making new awards in that area. (3)     Deletion of any academic field as an area of critical or geographic
shortage does not: (i) Terminate the right of existing recipients to renew awards
under § 18-704(d) of this subtitle; or (ii) If the recipient continues to teach in a public school in this State
in that academic field, invoke the provisions of § 18-701(d)(l) of this subtitle or
disqualify the recipient under the provisions of § 18-701(d)(2) of this subtitle. (h) Funds for the Teacher Education Tuition Assistance Program shall be as
provided in the annual budget of the Commission by the Governor. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2005. Approved May 10, 2005.
- 2015 -

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Session Laws, 2005
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