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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 1498   View pdf image
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Ch. 288
(3) Any group of disabled or convalescent patients organized and under
the care and supervision of the American Red Cross, which upon the request of the
American Red Cross, is authorized by the Department to fish for any recreational
purpose in the nontidal waters; (4)] Any resident serving in the armed forces of the United States, while
on leave in the State, during his leave period, if, while angling, he possesses a copy of
his official leave orders; [(5) Any patient who is under treatment by a State-approved mental
health facility, and any individual who attends or resides in a State-approved
retardation facility; (6) A caregiver, family member, or designee of a mental health care
facility or private group home of a patient who is under treatment by a
State-approved mental health facility, provided that: (i) The administrator of the mental health care facility, or treating
physician or psychologist provides the Department with a letter stating that the
caregiver or family member is the primary caretaker of the patient; or (ii) The individual accompanying the patient carries a copy of the
letter described under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, or a professional license or
certificate of a health care professional involved in the care of the patient; (7)] (3) A person who fishes in nontidal waters of the State on free
fishing days designated by the Secretary; [or (8)] (4) A person holding a current resident consolidated senior sport
fishing license issued under § 4-216 of this title; OR (5) A PERSON AUTHORIZED BY A DISABILITY EXEMPTION ISSUED UNDER
§ 4-217 OF THIS TITLE. (e)     A person may apply for an angler's license to any person designated by the
Department. The application shall be on a form the Department prepares and
supplies. The applicant shall fill out, sign and submit the application to the person
designated to issue an angler's license. A person may apply by mail. (f)      (1) The application shall contain the applicant's name and place of
residence. (2)     A person may not use an assumed name or an address other than the
person's legal place of residence or make any false statement to obtain an angler's
license. (3)     Before an angler's license may be issued, the applicant for the license
shall sign a statement which says: "I understand that this license does not of itself permit me to fish on private
property, and if I do so without permission of the owner I may be subject to a fine." (g)     (1) The following annual license fees shall apply: - 1498 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 1498   View pdf image
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