ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 177
(i) An underground oil storage tank subject to the requirements of
§ 4-409(b)(3) of this title for site rehabilitation costs incurred on or after October 1,
1993 resulting from contamination caused by releases from an underground oil
storage tank;
(ii) An underground oil storage tank not subject to the
requirements of § 4-409(b)(3) of this title for site rehabilitation costs incurred on or
after October 1, 2000 resulting from contamination caused by releases from an
underground oil storage tank; or
(iii) A heating oil tank for site rehabilitation costs incurred on or
after October 1, 2000 resulting from contamination caused by releases from a heating
oil tank including piping connected to the tank;
(2) Provide funds for site rehabilitation activities carried out by the
Department or under the Department's direction and control; and
(3) To the extent provided in the State budget and in an amount not to
exceed 8% of the revenues in the Fund during the fiscal year, provide funds for the
Department's administration of this subtitle.
(a) [The owner or operator of an underground oil storage tank eligible under §
4-704(b)(l)(i) of this subtitle may apply to the Fund for reimbursement, on or after
October 1, 1993, for usual, customary, and reasonable costs incurred on or after
October 1, 1993 in performing site rehabilitation.
(b)] The owner or operator of an underground oil storage tank eligible under §
4-704(b)(1)(ii) of this subtitle may apply to the Fund for reimbursement, [on or after
October 1, 2000] UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2007, for usual, customary, and reasonable
costs incurred on or after October 1, 2000 in performing site rehabilitation.
[(c)] (B) The owner of a heating oil tank eligible under § 4-704(b)(l)(iii) of this
subtitle may apply to the Fund NO LATER THAN 6 MONTHS AFTER REHABILITATION
COMPLETION for reimbursement, [on or after October 1, 2000] UNTIL JUNE 30, 2010,
for usual, customary, and reasonable costs incurred on or after October 1, 2000 in
performing site rehabilitation.
[(d)] (C) (1) Any reimbursement from the Fund for applications approved on
or after July 1, 1996 is subject to:
(i) For owners or operators of six tanks or fewer, a deductible of
(ii) For owners or operators of more than 6 but not more than 15
tanks, a deductible of $10,000;
(iii) For owners or operators of more than 15 but not more than 30
tanks, a deductible of $15,000;
(iv) For owners or operators of more than 30 tanks, a deductible of
$20,000; and
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