Ch. 168
(iii) Any unopened or partially consumed containers of wine AND
POMACE BRANDY are removed from the retail licensed premises at the conclusion of
the promotional activity;
(iv) The limited winery or winery trade association complies with
any rules or regulations promulgated by the Comptroller pertaining to on-premise
promotions and product sampling; and
(v) The limited winery or winery trade association has the advance
written permission of the retail licensee to bring wine products on the retail licensed
premises for purposes of the promotional activity.
[(6)] (7) This subsection does not apply to:
(i) Special licenses issued in St, Mary's County to any bona fide
religious, fraternal, civic, veterans, hospital, or charitable organization under §
7-101(r) of this article; or
(ii) A license issued in St. Mary's County that applies to an outdoor
motor sports facility that is located in Mechanicsville or Budds Creek.
[(7)] (8) This subsection does not prevent residents and their guests in a
continuing care retirement community in Prince George's County that holds a Class C
(on-sale) beer, wine and liquor license from consuming wine not purchased from the
continuing care retirement community, if:
(i) The wine is consumed with a meal in the dining room; and
(ii) The continuing care retirement community:
1. Is operated by a nonprofit organization for the continuing
care retirement of persons at least 60 years old;
2. Has been incorporated for at least 1 year;
3. Has obtained a certificate of registration from the State
Department of Aging under Article 70B, § 11 of the Code; and
4. Prepares and serves meals during regular operating hours
to residents and their guests.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2005.
Approved April 26, 2005.
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