Ch. 167
(2) Before an operator can obtain a State-issued endorsement under this
subsection, the operator shall apply to the Criminal Justice Information System
Central Repository for a national and State criminal history records check.
(3) The Administration may not issue a hazardous materials
endorsement of a commercial driver's license without the approval of the
Transportation Security Administration of the federal Department of Homeland
(4) The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and the
Director of the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository, in
consultation with the Administration, may adopt regulations to carry out this section.
(g) (1) In this subsection, "Central Repository" means the Criminal Justice
Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services.
(2) An operator requesting a State-issued endorsement under subsection
(f) of this section shall apply to the Central Repository for a national and a State
criminal history records check.
(3) As part of the application for a criminal history records check, the
operator shall submit to the Central Repository:
(i) Two complete sets of the operator's legible fingerprints taken in
a format approved by the Director of the Central Repository and the Director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(ii) The fee authorized under § 10-221(b)(7) of the Criminal
Procedure Article for access to Maryland criminal history records; and
(iii) The mandatory processing fee required by the Federal Bureau
of Investigation for a national criminal history records check.
(4) (i) The Central Repository shall provide a receipt to the operator
for the fees paid under paragraph (3)(ii) and (iii) of this subsection.
(ii) The operator's employer may pay the fees or reimburse the
operator for the fees required under paragraph (3)(ii) and (iii) of this subsection.
(5) (i) In accordance with §§ 10-201 through 10-234 of the Criminal
Procedure Article, the Central Repository shall forward to the operator and the
Transportation Security Administration of the federal Department of Homeland
Security, a printed statement of the operator's criminal history record information.
(ii) If criminal history record information is reported to the Central
Repository after the date of the criminal history records check, the Central Repository
shall provide to the Transportation Security Administration of the federal
Department of Homeland Security and the operator a revised printed statement of
the operator's criminal history record information.
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