ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 3
requiring the Maryland Transit Administrator to designate the chair co-chairs
of the Advisory Council; establishing the term of the members of the Advisory
Council; requiring meetings of the Advisory Council to be publicized and open to
the public; prohibiting a member of the Advisory Council from receiving
compensation; requiring the Advisory Council to advise the Administrator on
certain major policy matters surrounding the Baltimore Corridor Transit
Study - Red Line; requiring the Advisory Council to limit its review to certain
matters; requiring the Advisory Council to report to the Governor and the
General Assembly on its activities on or before a certain date each year;
requiring the Administration to provide staff for the Advisory Council, solicit the
advice of the Advisory Council at certain times, and prepare a certain report at
certain times; and generally relating to the Baltimore Corridor Transit Study -
Red Line.
WHEREAS, The Maryland Transit Administration has undertaken the
Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line for a proposed 10-mile rapid transit line
for the Baltimore metropolitan area; and
WHEREAS, The Red Line transit corridor encompasses a large number of
residents, small and large businesses, schools, churches, and other community
institutions, all of which are deeply concerned about the future of their communities;
WHEREAS, Effective, high quality public transportation is important to these
communities; and
WHEREAS, Public transit must be frequently available, reliable, and safe, and
must provide an efficient and economical means to connect community members to
major destinations throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area; and
WHEREAS, First and foremost, the Red Line should improve the public
transportation system in the Baltimore metropolitan region and in the communities
surrounding the Red Line transit corridor, and should be planned in a manner to
serve those communities and foster economic development; and
WHEREAS, It is the intent of the General Assembly that, during the course of
planning and constructing the Red Line project, the Administration adhere to the best
practices of transit planning and implementation; and
WHEREAS, It is the intent of the General Assembly that community members
participate in good faith in the planning process for the Red Line project and seek to
fairly represent the interests of all community members; now, therefore
MARYLAND, That, in conducting the transit project referred to in the Maryland
Consolidated Transportation Program for fiscal years 2006 through 2011 as the
Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line, the Maryland Transit Administration
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