ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 4
nonpublic school from employing certain individuals; establishing certain
penalties; requiring a sentence for a certain category of sexual offender to include
a term for extended sexual offender parole supervision; requiring that a term of
extended sexual offender parole supervision have a certain minimum and a
possible certain maximum period and commence at the expiration of a certain
term; requiring that the Commission enter into and sign certain extended sexual
offender parole supervision agreements that set out certain conditions; requiring
the Commission to hear and adjudicate certain cases; authorizing the
Commission to impose certain sanctions on certain registrants; providing that
imprisonment for a certain violation is not subject to diminution credits;
authorizing certain specific conditions of extended sexual offender parole
supervision agreements; requiring the Commission to hear and adjudicate a
certain petition of discharge from extended sexual offender parole supervision;
authorizing a certain registrant to petition for discharge after serving a certain
period of extended supervision; authorizing a registrant whose petition for
discharge is denied to petition for discharge again after a certain period;
requiring a certain petition for discharge to include a certain risk assessment of
a registrant and a recommendation from a certain sexual offender management
team; prohibiting the Commission from discharging a registrant from certain
supervision unless the Commission determines that the registrant no longer poses
an unacceptable risk to community safety; providing that the Commission has
certain powers for the purpose of carrying out certain duties; requiring the
Commission to appoint a certain administrator; requiring that a sexual offender
parole supervision be conducted by a sexual offender management team under
the supervision of the Division of Parole and Probation; requiring a sexual
offender management team to be comprised of a certain parole agent and a sexual
offender treatment provider; authorizing a sexual offender management team to
include certain other persons; requiring a sexual offender management team to
submit certain progress reports on certain registrants at certain intervals;
requiring a sexual offender management team to provide a copy of a certain
progress report to a certain local law enforcement unit; requiring the
Commission, with the advice of a certain board, to adopt certain regulations;
establishing a Sexual Offender Advisory Board; providing for the membership,
appointment, terms, staggering of terms, reimbursements, chair, quorum and
meeting requirements, duties, and staffing of the Board; requiring certain units
of government to cooperate with the Board; defining certain terms; specifying the
terms of the initial members of the Board; making this Act an emergency
measure; and generally relating to the supervision of, notifications concerning,
and penalties for sexual offenders.
BY repealing and reenacting, without amendments,
Article - Correctional Services
Section 7-205
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Volume and 2005 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Correctional Services
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