Chapter Page
Labor SEE Work, Labor and Employment
Law Department SEE Attorney General
Law Enforcement —
Sexual offenders, extended parole supervision and parolee
tracking, restrictions, requirements, and prohibitions,
registration and registrant restrictions, community notification,
and penalties, provisions added and altered; Sexual Offender
Advisory Board, created................................................................. 4 15
Light Rail SEE Mass Transit
Loans —
Electric industry operations and State oversight, standard offer
service, electricity procurement, appointment process for Public
Service Commission and People's Counsel, and Electric
Universal Service Program, provisions altered; rate stabilization
plan and merger/acquisition review, provisions added................ 5 94
Mass Transit —
Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line project, Citizens'
Advisory Council established; compensation of property owners
whose property is damaged during construction, redevelopment
of surrounding commercial areas, and hiring preferences for
construction jobs, consideration required..................................... 2 3
3 8
Mergers and Acquisitions —
Electric industry operations and State oversight, standard offer
service, electricity procurement, Public Service Commission and
People's Counsel appointment process, and Electric Universal
Service Program, provisions altered; rate stabilization plan and
merger/acquisition review, provisions added................................ 5 94
Metro SEE Mass Transit
Minors —
Sexual offenders, extended parole supervision and parolee
tracking, restrictions, requirements, and prohibitions,
registration and registrant restrictions, community notification,
and penalties, provisions added and altered; Sexual Offender
Advisory Board, created................................................................. 4 15
Sexual offense committed against a child under 13, mandatory
minimum sentence, provisions added ........................................... 4 . 15
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