BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article—Criminal Procedure
Section 10-215(a), 11-701, 11-704, 11-705, 11-707, 11-708(b), 11-709, 11-713,
11-717, 11-718, and 11-721
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Volume and 2005 Supplement)
BY repealing
Article—Criminal Procedure
Section 11-711
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Volume and 2005 Supplement)
BY adding to
Article—Criminal Procedure
Section 11-722 through 11-726
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Volume and 2005 Supplement)
BY adding to
Article—Public Safety
Section 1-401 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 4. Sexual Offender Advisory
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2003 Volume and 2005 Supplement)
FOR the purpose of authorizing the Maryland Parole Commission to administer
certain extended sexual offender parole supervision; prohibiting certain sexual
acts involving children who are under a certain age; requiring a court to impose
certain sentence for certain offences under certain circumstances; establishing
certain penalties; requiring the State to provide certain notice under certain
circumstances; providing that certain sentences shall not apply under certain
circumstances; prohibiting the Commission from granting credit for time
between release on parole and revocation of parole for certain sexual offenders
under certain circumstances; providing that the jurisdiction of the District
Court is concurrent with the .jurisdiction of the circuit court in certain criminal
cases involving registration of certain offenders; establishing that the initial
registration of an individual relating to certain sexual offenses and offenses
involving children is a reportable offense for certain criminal records purposes;
establishing that all persons subject to certain registration requirements must
register in person every 3 months; requiring that certain registrations include a
photograph that shall be updated at least once each year; repealing certain
dates before which certain registrants arc required to register; increasing the
term of registration of certain registrants; requiring a certain supervising
authority to obtain a DNA sample from a certain registrant under certain
circumstances; altering certain time periods for certain notification
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