ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor S.B. 1
(i) the number of residential utility turn-off notices issued in
(ii) the number of residential customer turn-offs in Maryland;
(iii) the number of residential re-connections established in
Maryland; and
(iv) the gross amount of residential customer arrearages for each
class of customers in Maryland; and
(2) potential programs to mitigate the impact of these costs on
low-income residential customers, including:
(i) percentage of income plans; and
(ii) tiered rate structure plans.
(b) On or before October 1 of 2006 through 2010, the Commission shall report
the information obtained under subsection (a)(1) of this section to the Senate Finance
Committee and the House Economic Matters Committee in accordance with § 2-1246
of the State Government Article and shall publish the report for the benefit of the
(c) On or before December 31, 2006, the Public Service Commission shall
submit to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Economic Matters
Committee a report of its recommendations for the adoption and feasibility of any
appropriate mitigation programs studied under subsection (a)(2) of this section and
shall publish the report for the benefit of the public.
SECTION 12. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding the
provisions of § 2-102 of the Public Utility Companies Article, as enacted by this Act,
except for subsection (d)(3), and notwithstanding the provision of § 2-103 of the
Public Utility Companies Article, as enacted by this Act, except for subsection (b)(2):
(1) the term of office of the chairman and each commissioner of the
Public Service Commission serving on the effective date of this Act shall terminate at
the end of June 30, 2006;
(2) on or before July 1, 2006, the President of the Senate of Maryland
and the Speaker of the House of Delegates shall present:
(i) a list, containing at least three names, from which the Governor
shall select a new Chairman of the Public Service Commission in accordance with this
(ii) a second list, containing at least ten names, from which the
Governor shall select four other new commissioners of the Public Service Commission
in accordance with this Act;
(3) if the Governor fails to appoint five members to the Public Service
Commission by July 15, 2006:
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