S.B. 1
allow Constellation to sell power to BGE at a higher cost, even if there is lower cost
power available from another company. These anti-consumer provisions will force
BGE customers to pay increased rates that serve to benefit BGE and Constellation,
with no benefit of any kind for the customer.
We can work together to craft a more balanced, pro-consumer solution. Only days ago
we negotiated an historic sexual predator bill to better protect our children. Presently,
the General Assembly continues in the Special Session that I convened last week.
Accordingly, I request the Members return to work immediately on an alternative
solution that will prove more consumer friendly and will not discriminate against
BGE customers. Specifically, the bill should contain:
* consumer choice for BGE ratepayers;
* no interest for BGE ratepayers;
* additional concessions from the electric companies; and
* no replacement of the People's Counsel.
Further, while I remain willing to examine issues relating to the appointment and
tenure of the PSC that are consistent with the Maryland Constitution and help
promote regulatory certainty, there should be no wholesale elimination of all of the
For the foregoing reasons, I have decided to veto Senate Bill 1. In doing so, I do not
reject the central purpose of the legislation. To the contrary, I support such legislation
so long as consumers who need rate relief are given the best relief possible, while
those who wish to decline are not forced to participate in such a plan. I look forward
to working with you and the members of the General Assembly to establish such a
plan. I believe that with good faith efforts we can accomplish this goal by the end of
next week with the result that the people of the State will be the real winners.
Very truly yours,
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.
Senate Bill No. 1
AN ACT concerning
Public Service Commission - Electric Industry Restructuring
FOR the purpose of altering the criteria for appointment to the Public Service
Commission; altering the method of appointment of the People's Counsel and
providing a term of office for the People's Counsel; providing for the extension of
the obligation to provide standard offer service to certain electric customers;
requiring the Commission to report to the Governor and the General Assembly
on the status of standard offer service on certain dates; requiring the
Commission to adopt certain regulations concerning the wholesale procurement
of electricity for standard offer service to certain customers; altering certain
findings and terms for certain extended service; requiring certain electric
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