ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 44
same conversion coverage that is offered by the successor health maintenance
organization to persons converting from the group of which the enrollee or subscriber
had been a former member;
(5) (i) Equitably allocate the insolvent health maintenance
organization's nongroup individual contracts of those nongroup individuals not
offered other coverage under [paragraph] ITEM (3) of this subsection, among all
health maintenance organizations operating within a portion of the insolvent health
maintenance organization's service [area;
(ii) Before] AREA, EXCEPT THAT BEFORE allocating the nongroup
individual contract or contracts under [subparagraph (i) of] this [paragraph] ITEM,
the Commissioner shall consider the health care delivery system and financial
resources of all possible successor health maintenance organizations; AND
[(hi)] (II) [Each] REQUIRE EACH health maintenance organization
allocated a nongroup individual or individuals under [subparagraph] ITEM (i) of this
[paragraph shall] ITEM TO offer the nongroup individual or individuals the health
maintenance organization's existing coverage which is most similar to the nongroup
individual's coverage with the insolvent health maintenance organization at rates
determined in accordance with the successor health maintenance organization's
existing rate methodology; and
Error: Stylistic errors in § 19-706.1(d)(2) and (3), (e)(3), (4), and (5) of the
Health - General Article.
Occurred: Ch. 610, Acts of 1989.
(f) Without the consent of or over the express objection of a minor, the
attending physician, [psychologist] PSYCHOLOGIST, or, on advice or direction of the
attending physician or psychologist, a member of the medical staff of a hospital or
public clinic may, but need not, give a parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor or
the spouse of the parent information about treatment needed by the minor or
provided to the minor under this section, except information about an abortion.
Error: Omitted comma in § 20-102(f) of the Health - General Article.
Occurred: Ch. 284, Acts of 2001.
The Office shall:
(2) Assist the Secretary in identifying, [coordinating] COORDINATING,
and establishing priorities for programs, services, and resources that the State should
provide for minority health and health disparities issues;
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