(xii) In compliance with State, federal, and Board OF REGENTS
mandates and policies, oversee affirmative action and equal employment
(xv) Perform any other duties assigned by the Board OF REGENTS.
(k) (2) Any gift or grant the Board OF REGENTS accepts shall be deposited
with the State Treasurer in a nonbudgeted account and may be invested as the Board
OF REGENTS directs in accordance with law.
(m) (1) The President shall develop an overall plan that is consistent with
the statewide plan for higher education and the Charter that:
(i) Sets forth both long-range and short-range goals, objectives,
and priorities for postsecondary education, research, and service provided by
[Morgan State] THE University;
(o) The Legislative Auditor shall audit all expenditures and accounts of
[Morgan State] THE University in accordance with §§ 2-1220 through 2-1227 of the
State Government Article.
(p) (6) (i) Subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works, the Board
OF REGENTS may acquire, lease, encumber, sell, or otherwise dispose of real property
held by the State for the use of the University.
(ii) The Board OF REGENTS may acquire, lease, encumber, sell, or
otherwise dispose of personal property.
Error: Incorrect usage of a defined term in § 14-104(a), (c)(1) and (2),
(g)(1)(i), (2), and (3)(iii), (j)(3) and (4)(xii) and (xv), (k)(2), (m)(l)(i), (o), and
(p)(6)(i) and (ii) of the Education Article.
Occurred: As a result of Ch. 273, Acts of 2004.
(b) (1) A [Morgan State] University police officer has the powers granted to
a peace and police officer.
(2) However, a [Morgan State] University police officer may exercise
these powers only on property that is owned, leased, operated by, or under the control
of [Morgan State] THE University. The police officer may not exercise these powers
on any other property unless:
(i) Engaged in fresh pursuit of a suspected offender;
(ii) Necessary to facilitate the orderly flow of traffic to and from
property owned, leased, operated by, or under the control of [Morgan State] THE
University; or
(iii) Ordered to do so by the Governor.
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