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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2048   View pdf image
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Ch. 380                                    2006 LAWS OF MARYLAND to distribute as Literacy Works grants for adult education and literacy services;
and generally relating to funding for adult education and literacy services. BY repealing and reenacting. with amendments.
Article - Education
Section 5-218 Annotated Code of Maryland
(2004 Replacement Volume and 2005 Supplement) BY adding to ArticleEducation Section 5-218 Annotated Code of Maryland (2004. Replacement Volume and 2006 Supplement) Preamble WHEREAS, The economy of Maryland requires an educated workforce to be
competitive with other states; and
WHEREAS, Almost 1,000,000 out of school youth and adults need a high school
diploma, need to learn to communicate in English, or need to improve basic literacy
skills; and
WHEREAS, The State Assessment of Adult Literacy, published by the American
Institutes for Research in December 2005, reported 1,500,000 Maryland adults with
literacy skills at only the basic or below basic level; and
WHEREAS, 44% of adults with below basic literacy skills are not in the labor
force; and
WHEREAS, Maryland provides adult education and literacy services to only 3%
to 4% of the target population; and
WHEREAS, There is a high demand for adult education and literacy services
with waiting lists of at least 5,000 people annually; and
WHEREAS, Maryland's investment in adult education and literacy is not
competitive with other states; and
WHEREAS, Maryland's per student investment is 84% below the average of
other East Coast states and less than all East Coast states except Rhode Island; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly directed the State Superintendent of Schools
to propose a funding formula for adult education; and
WHEREAS, The State Superintendent of Schools appointed the
Superintendent's Panel on Excellence in Adult Education with leadership from the
business community, labor, primary and secondary education, higher education, local
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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2048   View pdf image
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