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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2019   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 372
Article 24 - Worcester County CJ 1-203. (a)      [In this section, "day" means the length of time in any twenty-four-hour
period during which a juror is required to be in attendance at or in proximity to the
court in which the juror has been called as a juror. (b)     A juror shall receive] AN INDIVIDUAL IS ENTITLED TO: (1)      a per diem [amount] in accordance with Public General Law [for
each day the juror attends court.], COURTS AND JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS ARTICLE, §
8-426; AND [(c) Each juror shall receive a reimbursement payment in the total amount of
ten dollars] (2)      $10 per day for. mileage. [(d)] (B) The system of payment shall be in accordance with procedures as
from time to time adopted by resolution of the County Commissioners. SECTION 16. 14. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That nothing in this Act
may be construed to affect the validity, powers, duties, or acts of any grand or trial
jury in existence before or on the effective date of this Act or the powers or duties of
any member of such jury. SECTION 17. 15. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all laws or parts of
laws, public general or public local, inconsistent with this Act, are repealed to the
extent of the inconsistency. SECTION 18. 16. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the publisher of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, in consultation with and subject to the approval of the
Department of Legislative Services, shall correct, with no further action required by
the General Assembly cross references and terminology rendered incorrect by this Act
or by any other Act of the General Assembly of 2006 that affects provisions enacted by
this Act. The publisher shall adequately describe any such correction in an editor's
note following the section affected. SECTION 19. 17. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the catchlines,
captions, and Committee Notes of the Jury Law Revision Subcommittee of the
Maryland Judicial Conference contained in this Act are not law and may not be
considered to have been enacted as part of this Act. SECTION 20. 18. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the provisions of
Section(s) 8-201(c), 8-212(b) and (c), and 8-401(d) of Article - Courts and Judicial
Proceedings are not repealed under this Act until the effective date of the rules that
the Court of Appeals adopts in accordance with Section 8-105 of Article — Courts and
Judicial Proceedings as enacted by this Act. SECTION 21. 19. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, subject to the
provisions of Section 20 18 of this Act, this Act shall take effect October 1, 2006. - 2019 -

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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2019   View pdf image
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