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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2016   View pdf image
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Ch. 372                                    2006 LAWS OF MARYLAND
COMMITTEE NOTE: Ch. 372, Acts of 2006, amended this section to: (1)
renumber it as subsections (a), (b)(1), (c), and (d); (2) delete the former
references to jury terms, for consistency with revised CJ Title 8; (3) delete
the former reference to "a Justice of the Peace or the Circuit Court for
Charles County as in the case of other misdemeanors in which Justices of
the Peace and the Circuit Court have concurrent jurisdiction under the
existing law", as jurisdiction in misdemeanor cases is in the District Court
and is not concurrent unless the authorized penalty is 3 years' confinement
or more or a fine of $2,500 or more. See current CJ §§ 4-301(b)(l) and
4-302(d)(l)(i); (4) delete the former reference to "jurors" in subsections (a)
and (b)(1); and (5) add subsection (b)(2). The addition provides for a "jury
commissioner", instead of the "clerk of the circuit court", to issue a
certificate and, for consistency with revised CJ §§ 8-425 and 8-429, refers
to "prospective, qualified, or sworn" jurors and attendance at or "in
proximity to" a court. As renumbered subsections (a) and (b)(1) of this section do not relate to
jurors, no further change was made, although the references to witnesses
may be obsolete in light of Ch. 192, Acts of 2005. The reference to "less than $25" in subsection (c) of this section is deleted
in light of the provisions on mandatory minimums in § 14-102 of the
Criminal Law Article. As to levies for jury service, see revised CJ § 8-427(b). Article 10 - Dorchester County 10-21. The County Commissioners shall, at the end of each fiscal year or more often if
it shall be deemed necessary, have an audit made of the accounts of the Treasurer and
Collector for Dorchester County. The audit shall show how much was appropriated
under each item of the budget and also how much was expended under each item of
the budget, and it shall show especially if any item of the budget has been exceeded
and by how much. A copy of the audit shall be delivered by the Auditor to the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Dorchester County, and the Judge of the Circuit Court who
delivers the charge to the grand jury [at the March session each year] NEXT SITTING
shall call the attention of the grand jury to the audit and shall state to the grand jury
any item of the budget that may be overdrawn and by how much the item has been
overdrawn. The Court shall also call the attention of the grand jury to the penalty for
expending money on any item of the budget in excess of the amount levied for and
stated in the budget. A summary of all expenditures shall be published in accordance
with Article 25, § 24(B) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and an itemized
statement of county expenses shall be available for public inspection in the office of
the Clerk to the County Commissioners. COMMITTEE NOTE: Ch. 372, Acts of 2006, amended this section to delete the
former references to jury terms, for consistency with revised CJ Title 8. - 2016 -

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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2016   View pdf image
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