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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2014   View pdf image
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Ch. 372
COMMITTEE NOTE: Ch. 372, Acts of 2006, amended this section to delete the
first two sentences, which provided for jury terms, for consistency with
revised CJ Title 8. As the balance of this section related only to employment of a reporter and
the necessary county levy, no change was made, although stenography or
shorthand do not encompass more recent methods of court reporting and
the distinction between law and equity was abrogated in the 1984 revision
of the Title 2 rules. Article 4 - Baltimore City 7-7. The circuit court for Baltimore City is authorized to appoint a qualified person
to serve as Grand Jury Clerk, who shall be on the staff of the Jury Commissioner,
serve at the pleasure of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, and be paid such salary
as shall be provided in the budget of the Court. The Circuit Court for Baltimore City is authorized to employ such official
reporters as may be necessary to record the proceedings before the grand jury, and
such reporters shall be paid such salaries as shall be provided in the budget of the
Court. [At the request of the grand jury, the reporters, the State's Attorney, or an
Assistant State's Attorney may attend the sessions of the grand jury, but shall not be
present when the grand jury votes on any presentment or indictment. The Grand
Jury Clerk and every such reporter, before entering upon their duties, shall take an
oath before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City that they will keep secret
all matters occurring before any grand jury; and any clerk or reporter shall, upon
conviction of having disclosed to anyone a matter occurring before a grand jury, be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of $1,000, or one year
imprisonment or both.] COMMITTEE NOTE: Ch. 372, Acts of 2006, amended this section to delete the
third paragraph, which provided for attendance at grand jury proceedings
and secrecy now revised CJ § 8-413 as to the State's Attorney and
assistants; revised CJ § 8-414 as to oaths; and revised CJ § 8-507 as to
crimes. As the balance of this section related only to employment of a grand jury
clerk and reporters and the necessary City levy, no change was made. Article 5 - Calvert County 86-4-501. Merit employees and part-time and grant-funded employees regularly
scheduled to work 50% or more of the normal pay period are eligible for jury leave in
accordance with the terms of this article. Contractual and appointed employees are
eligible for jury leave only if such leave is granted by an express term of their
employment contract or appointment, respectively. Employees not eligible for jury - 2014 -

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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2014   View pdf image
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