Ch. 370
(1) You may remain in your residence on the same rent, terms, and conditions
of your existing lease until either the end of your lease term or until ......................
(Date) (the end of the 180-day period), whichever is later. If your lease term ends
during the 180-day period, it will be extended on the same rent, terms, and conditions
until ..................... (Date) (the end of the 180-day period). In addition, certain
households may be entitled to extend their leases beyond the 180 days as described in
Section 2.
(2) You have the right to purchase your residence before it can be sold publicly.
A purchase offer describing your right to purchase is included with this notice.
(3) If you do not choose to purchase your unit, and the annual income for all
present members of your household did not exceed .................. (the APPLICABLE
income eligibility figure OR FIGURES for the appropriate area which equals
approximately 80 percent of the median income for your county or standard
metropolitan area) for 20...., you are entitled to receive $375 when you move out of
your residence. You are also entitled to be reimbursed for moving expenses as defined
in the Maryland Condominium Act over $375 up to $750 which are actually and
reasonably incurred. If the annual income for all present members of your household
did exceed...................(the APPLICABLE income eligibility figure OR FIGURES for the
appropriate area which equals approximately 80 percent of the median income for
your county or standard metropolitan area) for 20...., you are entitled to be
reimbursed up to $750 for moving expenses as defined in the Maryland Condominium
Act actually and reasonably incurred. To receive reimbursement for moving expenses,
you must make a written request, accompanied by reasonable evidence of your
expenses, within 30 days after you move. You are entitled to be reimbursed within 30
days after your request has been received.
(4) If you want to move out of your residence before the end of the 180-day
period or the end of your lease, you may cancel your lease without penalty by giving
at least 30 days prior written notice. However, once you give notice of when you
intend to move, you will not have the right to remain in your residence beyond that
Section 2
Right to 3-year lease extension or 3-month rent payment
for certain handicapped citizens and senior citizens
The developer who converts this rental facility to a condominium must offer
extended leases to qualified households for up to 20 percent of the units in the rental
facility. Households which receive extended leases will have the right to continue
renting their residences for at least 3 years from the date of this notice. A household
may cancel an extended lease by giving 3 months' written notice if more than 1 year
remains on the lease, and 1 month's written notice if less than 1 year remains on the
Rents under these extended leases may only be increased once a year and are
limited by increases in the cost of living index. Read the enclosed lease to learn the
additional rights and responsibilities of tenants under extended leases.
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