(i) 1. Whose "expenditures for police protection", as defined
above, exceed $5,000; and
2. That employs at least one qualified full-time police officer,
as determined by the Secretary of State Police; or
(ii) 1. Whose "expenditures for police protection", as defined
above, exceed $80,000; and
2. That employs at least two qualified part-time police
officers, as determined by the Secretary of State Police, from a county police
department or county sheriff's department.
(8) "Wealth base" of a subdivision means the sum of the "adjusted
assessed valuation of real property" and "net taxable income".
(9) "Aggregate expenditures for police protection" for a subdivision
means the sum of "expenditures for police protection", as defined above, of that
subdivision and of every qualifying municipality in that subdivision.
(10) "Equivalent of X dollars per capita" means an amount of money equal
to the product of X times the number of people in the particular subdivision.
(11) Repealed.
(12) "Sworn officer" means:
(i) A law enforcement officer certified by the Police Training
Commission; or
(ii) A full-time probationary employee of a local government who:
1. Is hired to attend a police training academy to become a
certified law enforcement officer; and
2. Is in training or is functioning as a law enforcement officer
pending training.
(b) [Subject to subsection (d) of this section, for] FOR the fiscal year beginning
July 1, 2001, and thereafter, the State shall pay to each subdivision, and to each
qualifying municipality, each year in the manner and subject to the limitations and
requirements hereinafter provided, an amount determined as follows:
(1) Share in Basic Expenditure. If the aggregate expenditures for police
protection in a subdivision equal or exceed $6.00 per capita, the State shall pay to the
subdivision the amount, if any, by which the equivalent of $6.00 per capita exceeds
0.09% of the wealth base. If the aggregate expenditures for police protection in a
subdivision are less than $6.00 per capita, the State shall pay to the subdivision the
amount, if any, by which aggregate expenditures for police protection exceed that
proportion of 0.09 percent of the wealth base which aggregate expenditures for police
protection bear to the equivalent of $6.00 per capita.
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