ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 228
2. Incinerator ash;
3. Industrial waste;
4. Land clearing debris;
5. Municipal solid waste; and
6. Any other solid waste identified by the Department;
(ii) The amount of solid waste disposed of in the State that is
generated outside of the State;
(iii) The jurisdictions where the solid waste originated;
(iv) The amount of solid waste generated in the State that is
transported outside of the State for disposal; and
(v) An estimate of the amount of solid waste managed or disposed
of by:
1. Recycling;
2. Composting;
3. Landfilling; and
4. Incineration.
(4) (i) All permitted solid waste acceptance facilities shall at least
annually provide to the Department information that is necessary to prepare the
report required under paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(ii) Under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, a facility owner may
provide the following information:
1. An accounting of the facility's economic benefits provided
to the locality where the facility is located;
2. The value of disposal and recycling facilities provided to
the locality at no cost or reduced cost;
3. Direct employment associated with the facility; and
4. Other economic benefits resulting from the facility during
the preceding calendar year.
(5) Beginning September 1, 2000, the Department shall annually
submit, in accordance with § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, a report of the
activities undertaken and the progress made in accordance with this section to:
(i) The House Environmental Matters Committee; and
(ii) The Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
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