Annapolis, Maryland, Tuesday, June 21, 1983
This being the day prescribed by the Proclamation of the
Governor of Maryland, for the meeting of the General Assembly of
Maryland, in Special Session, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Oden Bowie,
Secretary of the Senate for the preceding Session, called the
Senate to order.
Present at the roll call were the following Senators:
District 1 - Allegany and Garrett
John N. Bambacus
District 2 - Washington and Allegany
Victor Cushwa
District 3 - Washington and Frederick
John W. Derr
District 4 - Frederick, Carroll and Howard
Charles H. Smelser
District 5 - Carroll and Baltimore
Raymond E. Beck
District 6 - Baltimore County
Dennis F. Rasmussen
District 7 - Baltimore County
Norman R. Stone, Jr.
District 8 - Baltimore County
Thomas L. Bromwell
District 9 - Baltimore County
F. Vernon Boozer
District 10 - Baltimore County
Francis X. Kelly
District 11 - Baltimore County
Melvin A. Steinberg
District 12 - Baltimore County
John C. Coolahan
District 13 - Howard and Prince George's
Thomas M. Yeager
District 14 - Howard and Montgomery
James Clark, Jr.
District 15 - Montgomery