Caroline County --
Denton, voting powers of mayor and vice-mayor.......... 2873
Greensboro, old charter repealed and new charter added. 2883
Carroll County --
Hampstead -
Annexation........................................... 2884
Town manager position created........................ 2884
Mount Airy, annexation................................. 2900
Taneytown, annexation.................................. 2918
Westminster, annexation................................ 2921
Cecil County --
Elkton, annexation..................................... 2874
North East, annexation................................. 2902
Charters --
Barnesville, major revisions........................... 2855
Chevy Chase, new sections adopted...................... 2858
Cottage City, old charter repealed and new charter
added................................................ 2860
Delmar, corporate name amended......................... 2863
Greensboro, old charter repealed and new charter added. 2883
Trappe, old charter repealed and new charter added..... 2918
Village of Chevy Chase, ordinance and regulation provi-
sions................................................ 2859
Willards, old charter repealed and new charter added... 2922
Chestertown (Kent County) --
Annexation.............................................. 2858
Extension of water and sewer mains..................... 2858
Chevy Chase (Montgomery County) --
Section 3, charter adopted for new section............. 2858
Section 5, charter adopted for new section............. 2859
Cigarettes --
Prince George's County, sales limited of rolling paper. 3058
Codes --
Anne Arundel County -
Supplement no. 43, 8-81, legalized................... 2934
Supplement no. 44, 11-81, legalized.................. 2939
Supplement no. 45, 2-82, legalized................... 2950
Supplement no. 46, 4-82, legalized................... 2955
Supplement no. 47, 8-82, legalized................... 2962
Collective Bargaining --
Harford County, advisory arbitration provisions........ 2987
Howard County, rights of employees..................... 3002
Colmar Manor (Prince George's County) --