WHEREAS, it appears advisable to amend the aforesaid Zoning
Chapter of the Wicomico County Code, upon the recommendation of
the Wicomico County Planning and Zoning Commission, so that
proper facilities may be included in Light Industrial Districts
for the maintenance of a resident watchman or caretaker, employed
on the premises of any such light industrial use listed in said
Chapter 225;
Adopted October 15, 1982.
Bill No. 12
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code,
titled "Zoning", by adding Sub-Section 225-60 C (1).
WHEREAS, it appears advisable to amend the aforesaid Zoning
Chapter of the Wicomico County Code, upon the recommendation of
the Wicomico County Planning and Zoning Commission, so that
proper facilities may be included in Industrial Districts for the
maintenance of a resident watchman or caretaker, employed on the
premises of any such industrial use listed in said Chapter 225;
Adopted October 15, 1982.
Bill No. 13
AN ACT to amend Chapter 200 of the Wicomico County Code,
titled "Subdivision of Land", Article II, titled "Procedure".
WHEREAS, it appears advisable to amend the aforesaid
Subdivision of Land Chapter of the Wicomico County Code, upon the
recommendation of the Wicomico Planning and Zoning Commission to
delete the specific submission dates for sketch, preliminary and
final plats, leaving the establishment of such administrative
dates to the discretion of the Planning Commission.
Adopted October 15, 1982.