aforesaid individuals no later than December 23, 1982.
January 28, 1983
The Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin
Speaker of the House
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Speaker Cardin:
On January 21, 1983, Executive Order No. 01.01.1983.01
pertaining to the Department of Labor, Employment and Training
was submitted to the General Assembly as required by Article II,
Section 24 of the Maryland Constitution. The apprenticeship and
Training Council was reassigned to the new Department and that
reassignment was reflected in an amendment to Section 8-512 of
Article 21. Unfortunately, the amendment to that section in the
Executive Order contains an inadvertent error at lines 37 and 38
on page 3. The amendment incorrectly assigns the determination
of prevailing wage rates to the new Secretary of Labor,
Employment and Training.
In prior discussions of this reorganization, I indicated
that I would introduce a companion bill so that the usual
legislative procedures would be applicable to this important
measure. In light of the need to correct the Executive Order as
submitted, I am withdrawing the Executive Order and submitting a
bill which does not contain the erroneous amendment. I ask your
favorable consideration of the bill which will accomplish the
same aims as are embodied in the Executive Order.
Harry Hughes
January 28, 1983
The Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear President Steinberg: